Improved customer journey real-estate developer
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Improved customer journey real-estate developer

For ‘Van Omme en de Groot’ we mapped the customer journey and came up with solutions to improve their process and experience that led to major changes in their process.

Their original question was focused on visualising their process to explain the process of acquiring and development of a new build house with VODG. After our analysis we reframed the question and improved the process first before developing communication materials.

Activities and deliverables:

  • Two-day sprint: customer journey mapping and analysis. The second day was focused on developing ideas for improvement.
  • It resulted in a long-list of 25 points of improvement of which the 5 most pressing issues were adjusted within the first quarter after the start of our project.
  • The second phase of the project focused on delivering a visualisation of the process for use in communication in leaflets, their client communication system and with animation.